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Cascade Data Layer

Data management framework for potentially offline mobile applications


As a quick introduction, the main methods provided by Cascade for applications are :

  1. var product = await cascade.Create<Product>(new Product() { colour = "Red" });
  2. var product = await cascade.Get<Product>(25, populate: new string[] { nameof(Product.Manufacturer) });
  3. var redThings = await cascade.Query<Product>("red_products",new JsonObject { ["colour"] = "red" });
  4. var updated = await cascade.Update(product, new JsonObject { ["colour"] = "red" });
  5. await cascade.Destroy(product);
  6. var promoted = await cascade.Execute("PROMOTE",new JsonObject { ["product_id"] = 25 })
  7. await cascade.Populate(product,new string[] { nameof(Product.Manufacturer),nameof(Product.Category) })

For details see Cascade API Reference

Application Requirements :

  1. Using the SuperModel base class and its attributes for all application models
  2. Implementing an origin class for your server(s) API
  3. Constructing an instance of CascadeDataLayer with the desired cache layer(s) and origin
  4. Using the CascadeDataLayer for application server interactions
  5. As for any application that needs to create records offline, you should probably use GUID ids


  1. “freshness” option to determine whether to get data from either a cache or the server
  2. “fallback freshness” option to silently fallback to a cached data when unable to reach the server
  3. “hold” option to mark retrieved records for downloading and preservation offline even when caches are cleared